Latest in marine safety

”This will improve marine safety significantly”

- International Maritime Organization, IMO

”It’s not enough that you stay alive
– you also need to be found”

—Rauno Luoto, Suomen Meripelastusseura

AS DESIGNERS we are always trying to improve our environment. With every new product, our aim is to make the world a little  better somehow - safer, happier, easier.

With this design we also wanted to make it more democratic. Safety, including marine safety, shouldn’t be a privilidge. It should be available to everyone.

When worst comes to worst, we need hope and we need a life line. That was part of our thinking when we set out to design a new concept to improve marine safety.

It wasn’t enough for us to make a device that saves lives – we wanted to make a device that also gives hope.

As a wise old captain once told us: it’s not enough to stay alive – you also need to be found.

And now, after thorough research, hours of discussions with marine safety professionals and engineers, we present to you our new product: SOSballoon.

SOSballoon helps rescuers to locate a person in a MOB situation. It is easy to use and free of complicated technology. That is why it is also affordable to everyone.  

© 2019 — Jussi Miettinen